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This page contains important details about the delivery request. Transport providers can use these details to place a bid or ask further questions about the delivery.

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If you are a transport provider, once you are ready to place a bid on a delivery, you need to fill out the bid form by clicking on “Place bid”.When you are starting out on Spedingo, you have 0 feedback and no reputation or trust in the marketplace; we advise you to bid aggressively low on your first few deliveries until you achieve some feedback and trust.

If a transport provider is successful and the user accepts his/her bid, direct contact details will be exchanged so they can get in touch with each other directly and carry out the job. Payments terms and conditions are freely agreed between the user and the transport provider.

Trasloco di garages San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) - Cannes (FR)

Transport request information help

  • User: giroregu
  • Request ID: 1327715
  • Listed: 01/18/2019
  • Status: Deleted
  • Received quotes: 7


Transport & Route (932 km)


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Between 02/05/19 and 07/05/19
80046 San Giorgio a Cremano NA, Italia
Floor Underground


Before 08/05/19
Cannes, Francia
Floor Seventh with elevator

Other information

NOTA: Gli oggetti da ritirare sono presso *** garages siti a San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) ma distanti 300 mt l'*** dall'altro. Inol***, come da specifica dettagliata, c'é da recuperare alcune cose nell'appartamento sito allo stesso indirizzo di *** dei *** garage, all'8° piano con ascensore. NB: L’APPARTAMENTO IN FRANCIA E’ SITO AL 7° PIANO ED IL PALAZZO E’ MUNITO DI MONTACA

Items to be transported

Transport deliveries > Full house moves > Transport about International home removals
Mobile Armadio Smontato di dimensioni : P 60 x L 180 X H 190
scrivania IKEA: L 105 cm x P 50 cm
Frigorifero dimensioni : L 86 cm x P 64 cm x H 175 cm
Presepe napoletano di dimensioni : L 100 cm x P 50 cm x H 60 cm
Presepe napoletano di dimensioni : L 90 cm x P 50 cm x H 60 cm
Letto a cassettone con testata di dimensioni: 206 cm x 200 cm
Materasso matrimoniale 190x 160
15 scatoloni vari di dimensioni
TV 23" + TV 22"
Como' camera da letto: P 56 cm x L 130 cm x H 106 cm
Comodini in legno camera da letto di dimensioni: L 57 x P 34 x H 65
Vaso in plastica + pianta artificiale dimensioni : H 100 cm x La 30 cm
Tavolo cucina in metallo con piano in vetro di dimensioni : Lu 130 cm x La 90 cm
specchio da arredo di dimensioni: 197 cm x 98 cm
Albero di Natale artificiale : montato 3 mt H x 1,20 mt di diametro. Prodotto smontato, contenuto in due borsoni per un peso totale di circa 25 KG.
lampadario in cristallo di murano a sei braccia del diametro di 50 cm + due lampade da comodino

Divano salotto 3+2 posti, separabile in 3 pezzi di dimensioni : L 230 x L 270 x P 100 cm
Credenza servante salone di dimensioni : L 210 cm x P 60 cm x H 113 cm
Macchina elettrica mod. Mini cooper per bambini fino a 8 anni di dimensioni : Lu 1 mt x La 0.60 mt x h 0.40 mt
Bicicletta 28’’
TV 42"

Divano letto di dimensioni : P 96 cm x L 180 cm x H 90 cm
Vaso terra cotta di dimensioni : Diametro max 60 cm x H 70 cm
Capi di abbigliamento
Servizi di piatti, bicchieri e posate varie IMBALLATI
4 quadri con dipinti di 50 cm x 40 cm IMBALLATI
1 quadro con dipinto di 120 cm x 60 cm IMBALLATO
impianto HI-FI home theater IMBALLATO: amplificatore + 5 altoparlanti + subwoofer
Collection: 80046 San Giorgio a Cremano NA, Italia Between 02/05/19 and 07/05/19
Delivery: Cannes, Francia Before 08/05/19

Quotes received

Accept the quote to get transport provider contacts
Quote #966728
From carrier: Outletservice2019 (122)
Reception date: 03/13/2019
Expiry date: None
Status: Active
Quote (VAT excl.) € 1.900
Quote #960815
From carrier: Outletservice2019 (122)
Reception date: 03/02/2019
Expiry date: 03/08/2019 12:00:00
Status: Expired
Quote (VAT excl.) € 1.900
Quote #942162
From carrier: Outletservice2019 (122)
Reception date: 01/30/2019
Expiry date: None
Status: Deleted
Quote (VAT excl.) € 1.900
Quote #937372
From carrier: Palmira88 (9971)
Reception date: 01/22/2019
Expiry date: None
Status: Refused
Quote (VAT excl.) € 2.450
Quote #937361
From carrier: traslope (1228)
Reception date: 01/22/2019
Expiry date: None
Status: Refused
Quote (VAT excl.) € 2.500
Quote #936682
From carrier: Palmira88 (9971)
Reception date: 01/21/2019
Expiry date: None
Status: Deleted
Quote (VAT excl.) € 2.600
Quote #935709
From carrier: Palmira88 (9971)
Reception date: 01/18/2019
Expiry date: None
Status: Refused
Quote (VAT excl.) € 2.800

The Commission shall only apply in case of award of transport:

1) While accepting your quote the customer will pay a deposit through the site of an amount equivalent to the Commission.
2) Spedingo will collect on your behalf such deposit.
3) Cash out directly by the customer the remaining balance, ie the difference between the amount of the estimate and the deposit retained by us.

For more information please visit the Terms and Conditions or contact Spedingo’s staff.

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